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Start getting profit from our unique system. - AI(Automated) Trading Bot Ltd was registered in Great Britain in 2019 and is an investment project, the activity of which is aimed at making profit by performing commercial transactions on the commodity exchange. The company is represented on the world's largest trading platforms: Chicago Mercantile Exchange, New York Commodity Exchange, International Petroleum Exchange, and London Metal Exchange.
Our Affiliate program is a great way for you to make money by referring other people, without having an investment in the program. - AI(Automated) Trading Bot Ltd offers a profitable 3 level affiliate program for promoters which allow you earn an additional income.Our referrals can get 6% reward of the deposit that was made by their direct referrals, as well as 2% and 2% of the deposits that was made by their second and third level referrals. Our representative program provides extra earning. To become Representative of our program, need 5000 active deposit from referral or $8000 personal deposit. Our Regional Representatives can earn 10%-5%-5% extra referral commissions from their direct referrals.